
Hey, you. I'm Digitelle, the digital grrrl. Although my real home is in cyberspace, I moved to Minneapolis from a teeny tiny town. This site was started because... well... why not? I don't have Facebook, Twitter, or Insta, so this seemed like a good compromise. I wanted at least a little corner of the web to call my own. And you know what? I like it here :P

As you can probably tell by the graphics and lingo on this site, I'm strongly inspired by those //rad hacker movies\\ of the late 90's/early 00's. Both the visual language and content here come from those hazy memories I have as a kid of a world obsessed with the possibilities of technology.

Some of my hobbies:

prone to chilly weather and earnestness

get ready... collection incoming...

~proud member of the~

go back//go home