- 020923_This site is [almost] one year old now! Neglected but not forgotten, stay tuned.
- 051822_This site is one month old now! I filled in some pages in the media_mountain section before allergy fatigue got the better of me.
- 051722_Wow, so many new pages today. Including my favorite so far. I try to keep challenging myself. Learning tables is my current bane, and hopefully I'll learn how to create a scroll bar in containers soon too.
- 051622_Uhh so the hyperpurple was a bad idea. Back to the classic black-and-green terminal theme. I made a sitemap today, so I finally have something to truly plan for now. I'm trying to create text files now and beautify them later, but keep losing the forest for the trees. Did I spend hours today rearranging blinkies on the about page? Sheepishly puts hands behind back "Noooooooo"...
- 051522_Yours truly passed her classes!!!!! To celebrate, I turned the background color to a brilliant shade of hyperpurple and gave it a ba-rand spanking new font. Sorry, seems to be only PC-compatible. This homepage will be restructured soon, like I've been threatening to for the past month, so stay tuned. Hopefully I can add some more... y'know... actual content to this site as well over the summer.
- 042622_Wish I could find a "site last updated" button or something so I wouldn't feel as pressured to keep this changelog fresh. It's finals week so i haven't been making many huge changes. I did add my first diary entry today and learned about float vs. absolute positioning. The site's a mess, pages aren't linked, a lot of text doesn't have links yet, but I still feel that it's coming along.
- 042322_Thank goodness for boredom at work. I lost a whole afternoon to coding the badges on the about page and some other pages. Slowly, but surely, the site is filling in. P.S. I learned that the folder name has to be included in the a href or image link as well lol
- 042222_Did some restructuring and now random things are broken T-T I am too tired to deal with it tonight, but never fear, great things are on the horizon...
- 042022_Awesome spinny skull guy had to be added. Found in this lovely gif depository. Learned so much HTML today and made plans for a new front page! Also, I added some miscellaneous pages that may or may not be linked to the index yet. It's crazy how much more this is making sense to me now
- 041922_Woo! everything's centered!+Copied CSS to other pages to give it that uniform look I've been craving. Footer added too
- 041822_Aww, baby site, and baby coder. Experiments were done with fonts, colors, and placements. Plz be patient as I figure out HTML :P
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